We have just released a “Pre-Proof of Concept” build of Ganbatte. This build of the game shows off some of the more basic aspects of the game. As the game is in its early stages of development, this build uses mostly placeholder images and does not include any sounds or music. The build shows off the first few scenes of the game as they are at the time of the writing of this post. This build was made to give people an idea of how the game is comming along and to hopefully get some feedback on it in its early stages.

This build of the game contains the files that it needs to be run on either Windows, Mac, or Linux. To run the game, download the zip file from Ganbatte’s GitHub releases page (found in the link below), extract the zip file, and run the executable file that corresponds to your system.

The build of the game can be found at the following link in the “ganbatte-0.0.1-all.zip” file: https://github.com/Infinite-Dango-Studios/ganbatte/releases/tag/v0.0.1-pre-proof-of-concept.

Ganbatte's GitHub releases page

If you find any issues or bugs in the game, or have any feedback on the game then please let us know using Ganbatte’s GitHub Issue Tracker or through email at infinitedangostudios@gmail.com.